A performance comparison using principal component analysis and differential evolution on fuzzy c-means and k-harmonic means
principal component analysis, fuzzy c-means, k-harmonic means, differential evolutionAbstract
Several clustering researches have attempted to optimize the clustering approaches regarding initial clusters. The purpose is to alleviate local optima traps. However, such an optimization may possibly not significantly improve the accuracy rate; contrarily it usually generates abundant runtime consumption. In addition, it may cause the emergence of local traps rather than providing the proper clusters initialization. One may turn to focus on the problems of high dimensional, noisy data and outliers hidden in real-world data. Such difficulties can seriously spoil the computation of several types of learning, including clustering. Feature reduction is one of the approaches to relieve such problems. Thereby, this paper proposes a performance comparison using principal component analysis (PCA) and differential evolution (DE) on fuzzy clustering. The purpose relates to evaluating the consequences of feature reduction, compared to those of optimization of the clustering environment. Here, the fuzzy clustering approaches, fuzzy c-means (FCM) and k-harmonic means (KHM) are experimented. FCM and KHM are soft clustering algorithms that retain more information from the original data than those of crisp or hard. PCA, the feature reduction method, is employed as a preprocessing of FCM and KHM for relieving the curse of high-dimensional, noisy data. The performance of the FCM and KHM based on PCA feature extraction, called PCAFCM and PCAKHM are compared with related algorithms, including the FCM and KHM optimized by differential evolution (DE) method. Comparison tests are performed related to 7 well-known benchmark real-world data sets. Within the scope of this study, the superiority of the feature reduction using PCA over DE optimization on FCM and KHM is indicated.
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