Bilingual nursing education for Thailand: Facing the challenges head-on


  • Tiwaporn Pongmarutai School of Nursing, Rangsit University, Patumthani 12000, Thailand


bilingual education, bilingual nursing education for Thailand, bilingual nursing education programs


Bilingual nursing education has increasingly gained attention worldwide, and rightfully so, with global economic changes, an increased migration, and increased demand for quality care.  This is particularly true in Thailand where the demand for bilingual healthcare providers is critical.  The nursing profession, which comprises a very large percentage of the healthcare work force, is in direct contact with the growing number of foreign patients coming to Thailand for care.  This has implications in the delivery of care and subsequently the quality of care outcomes.  Attempts to meet these expectations are not without challenges.  This paper addresses the history of bilingual education and the needs of bilingual nursing education for Thailand.  It further reviews the bilingual nursing education in countries that have experience with programs that have been in effect for some time.  It is hoped that programs in Thailand can gain insight from the experience in these countries that could be used to avoid mistakes and benefit from successes. The recommendations are formulated with the intention of positioning institutes of higher education in Thailand to be able to take advantage of the greatest opportunities for success.


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How to Cite

Tiwaporn Pongmarutai. (2023). Bilingual nursing education for Thailand: Facing the challenges head-on. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 3(1), 79–86. retrieved from



Review Article