Asiatic skin color segmentation using an adaptive algorithm in changing luminance environment


  • Chutisant Kerdvibulvech Faculty of Information Technology, Rangsit University, Pathumthani 12000, Thailand


Asiatic skin, color segmentation, Bayes theorem, Bayesian, adaptive algorithm, luminance


Skin color of Asiatic people is a unique color.  Therefore, Asiatic skin color segmentation is not trivial, particularly in non-static background.  This paper proposes a novel algorithm to segment an area of Asiatic skin color effectively.  By using the on-line adaptation of color probabilities, the algorithm proposes two main benefits: it can cope with luminance changes very well, and also it can be processed in real-time. Bayes’ theorem and Bayesian classifier are employed to compute the probability of skin color of Asiatic people.  Representative results from the experiments are presented to show the efficiency of the proposed system.  The system presented can be further used to develop the real-time vision-based applications in many challenging environments.



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How to Cite

Kerdvibulvech, C. . (2023). Asiatic skin color segmentation using an adaptive algorithm in changing luminance environment. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 2(1), 33–38. retrieved from



Research Article