A dialogic framework for embedding graduate attributes in discipline-based degree curricula
graduate attributes, graduate capabilities, dialogic learning, dialogic curriculumAbstract
The starting point of this paper is the understanding that to date, attempts to integrate graduate attributes in academic curricula continue to form lists of isolated skills, with no clear rationale explaining how they are embedded or, indeed, illustrating how they interact with one another to enhance students’ learning experiences. While most studies agree that the desired change requires a shift in the curriculum from its predominant focus on content to one that integrates content with process, it is argued here that this refocusing requires a methodology which begins with pedagogy and, therefore, with clear statements regarding the process of knowledge construction that academic curricula support and see as good practice. This objective is in alignment with the understanding that graduate attributes concern themselves with educating students to live in a knowledge society, i.e. with the process of educating. This paper describes a proposal for one such methodology.
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