An illustrated key to stonefly larvae (Plecoptera, Insecta) at Huai Nam Dung National Park, Thailand


  • Ratitorn Jaihao Biodiversity and Ethnobiology Program, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
  • Chitchol Phalaraksh Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Thailand


stonefly larvae, illustrated key, Huai Nam Dung National Park


An illustrated key to larvae of all genera of Plecoptera at Huai Nam Dung National Park is presented.  The stonefly larvae were collected from seven streams of Huai Nam Dung National Park, Thailand.  Four families have been reported for this region: Perlidae, Peltoperlidae, Nemouridae, and Leuctridae.  For the family Perlidae, 11 genera including Neoperla, Etrocorema, Togoperla, Kamimuria, Agnetina, Tetropina, Paragnetina, Phanoperla, Calineuria, and Caroperla were identified. Cryptoperla karen and Cryptoperla meo of the family Peltoperlidae were also identified.  The three genera Indonemoura, Amphinemoura, and Sphaeronemoura were identified from the family Nemouridae.  In addition, Rhopalopsole of the family Leuctridae was identified.


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How to Cite

Ratitorn Jaihao, & Chitchol Phalaraksh. (2023). An illustrated key to stonefly larvae (Plecoptera, Insecta) at Huai Nam Dung National Park, Thailand. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 3(1), 25–38. retrieved from



Research Article