Effect of different mashing on non-alcoholic beer quality from Thai rice malt
mashing, infusion mash, sugar composition, rice beer, non-alcoholic beer, healthy beverageAbstract
The effect of mashing temperature on the quality of wort and beer from Thai rice malt was studied using two non-glutinous rice varieties; Homnin and PathumThani 1. The mashing program was carried out at two different temperatures, 65° and 75°C, for the sugar rest period. It was found that the chemical properties of wort from infusion mash at 65° and 75°C were not different in % extract, reducing sugar and free amino nitrogen contents. However, sugar composition from different worts was significantly different. Sugar composition of wort from infusion mash at 65°C gave 8.65 g/100g maltose and 0.98 g/100g glucose while at 75°C gave 3.26 g/100g maltose and 6.70 g/100g glucose. Wort fermentation was prepared in batch sizes of 20 litre (L) using yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae RSU no.10. The beer qualities of color value, turbidity, pH, and reducing sugar were not different. It was also found that the chemical properties of both beer patterns were the same in quantities of Free Amino Nitrogen (FAN), % extract, % alcohol and bitterness. The bio-functional compounds content corresponded to specification of a healthy beer product which focused on antioxidant, phenolic compound and GABA and were not significantly different, except for the thiamine content remaining in the final product. It was found that thiamine content in beer from infusion mash at 75°C wort was higher than beer from infusion mash at 65°C wort. The sensory evaluation of beers indicated that appearance, aroma, taste, mouth-feel and overall impression of non-alcoholic beer from both beer patterns were judged as drinkable and preferred to the commercial non-alcoholic beer from Germany, namely Clausthaler. The results obtained from this research clearly indicated that non-alcoholic beer from Thai rice malt influenced perception of the consumer and could be used as alternative healthy beverage with an acceptable quality.
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