Scale-up and cultivation of microalgae from brackish water in Thailand in transparent high density polyethylene bags
scale-up, microalgae, transparent high density polyethylene bag, lipid content, brackish waterAbstract
The microalgae from brackish water in Thailand e.g. Bang Poo accommodation next to the sea, Bang Poo mangrove forest, watersides of both Asokaram Temple and Srichan waterside were cultivated in Watanabe’s medium, pH 6.5 in 5 liters PET bottles and transparent high density polyethylene bags. Cultivation of microalgae in transparent high density polyethylene bags resulted maximum dry weight of 10.92 g l-1, 8.61 g l-1, 6.49 g l-1 and 5.47 g l-1 respectively. Comparing the addition of glucose 0 g/L, glucose 1 g/L, FeCl3 0.003 g/L and FeCl3 1 g/L in Watanabe’s medium was investigated. The results showed that adding glucose 1 g/L and FeCl3 0.003 g/L in Watanabe’s medium gave the maximum lipid content of microalgae from Bang Poo mangrove forest 50.72 %(w/w), microalgae from accommodation next to the sea 47.58%(w/w), microalgae from Srichan Temple’s waterside 34.36 %(w/w) and microalgae from Asokaram Temple’s waterside 32.35%(w/w) respectively. In addition, scale-up and cultivation of microalgae from Bang Poo mangrove forest to 155 liters in transparent high density polyethylene bags, adding glucose 1 g/L ,FeCl3 0.003 g/L and CO2 10%(v/v) in Watanabe’s medium for 15 days was assessed. Microalgal biomass was recovered by filtration and centrifugation at 8000 rpm for 15 min at 4 °C. Algal cell were dried in an oven at 60°C for 2h and kept in a vacuum desiccator before use. Determination of lipid content by hexane extraction gave 46.53 %(w/w) algae oil.
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