Influence impact of window-size, spatial and radiometric variance, of image bilateral denoising algorithm under AWGN ambiance†


  • Vorapoj Patanavijit Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vincent Mary School of Engineering, Assumption University of Thailand, Samuthprakarn 10540, Thailand


bilateral filter, denoising algorithm, digital image processing, radiometric variance, window size


Image denoising algorithms are one of the most crucial processes for improving image quality; therefore, a number of denoising algorithms have been proposed.  One of the most effective denoising filters is the bilateral filter.  The efficiency of the bilateral filter depends on the window size, spatial variance and radiometric variance.  In this paper, the impact of the three parameters on the quality of the denoising is investigated.  In our experiment, the bilateral filter was applied to suppress the noise of eight standard test images corrupted by five different levels of Gaussian noise.  The optimal parameters with regard to the PSNR of the denoised images were then determined.


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How to Cite

Vorapoj Patanavijit. (2023). Influence impact of window-size, spatial and radiometric variance, of image bilateral denoising algorithm under AWGN ambiance†. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 7(1), 59–78. retrieved from



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