A backstepping-like nonlinear controller design for power systems with SMES
backstepping-like control, nonlinear control, nonlinear system, SMES, transient stabilityAbstract
The design of a backstepping-like control method applying on an electrical system is a main focus of this work. The proposed method is able to improve dynamic responses of the power system with SMES in terms of transient stability and performance. The power system considered in this work is contained with the following elements: (i) generator excitation, and (ii) super-conducting magnetic energy system (SMES). In order to gain the desired stability under the effect of the large or small disturbances, the backstepping-like control is synthesized to stabilize the power system. Considering the design procedure of the backstepping-like control method, it is clear that the developed design of the method is simpler than that of an advanced control method such as an immersion and invariance (I&I) control method. However, the method can provide the acceptable effectiveness for the control system. Illustration for the performance of the designed backstepping-like controller can be shown via the simulation. The controller is employed for stabilizing a single-machine infinite bus (SMIB) power system with SMES. It is clear that the presented controller can provide the desired characteristics including transient stability and the post-fault dynamic performance of the terminal voltage. Moreover, compared with I&I and the classical backstepping methods, using the backstepping-like method can achieve the desired performance of the considered power system with a simpler design procedure.
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