Green Chemistry


  • Conrad H. Bergo Professor Emeritus, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, USA


Green chemistry means we prevent waste rather than clean it up. Design nonhazardous and sustainable chemical processes and products. In the recent Paris Accord 185 countries and the European Union agreed to control emissions of carbon dioxide. Now we will see innovations in chemicals and renewable energy. The transition from fossil-fuel-based society to one that relies more on renewable energy will require new methods. Buildings and transportation industries will require new materials. Governments and industry will have to work together to make the Paris Accord work. Who will take the leading role in this? Chemists and Chemical Engineers. We can make chemistry safe and energy efficient while saving time and money. Green Chemistry will be the way to make our future better. The Principles of Green Chemistry were outlined by Paul Anastas and John Warner in their book Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice. Read this and think carefully how you can apply the principles to your company and research. Most of what I write here comes from many leading researchers in the field especially John Constable and of the Green Chemistry Institute of the American Chemical Society.




How to Cite

Conrad H. Bergo. (2023). Green Chemistry. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 6(1), i-iv. retrieved from



Editor's Note