Integrated municipal solid waste management for the highland rural area: case study Patueng sub-district in Chang Rai, Thailand
fertilizer, highland area, incinerator, municipal solid wasteAbstract
Effective municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is a challenge for local governments in the highland. Models from urbanized areas focusing on waste collection and advanced centralized disposal systems might not be applicable in their contexts. The purpose of this study was to develop an integrated MSWM system with Patueng Sub-district Administrative Organization (Patueng SAO) in Chiang Rai Province. The participatory process started with problem identification and quantification. MSW was identified as the most urgent environmental problem. The SAO could not find the site to landfill all of the 107.87 ton of MSW estimated to be generated in a year. An integrated system was designed in the second round based on the result of waste composition analysis and participation from stakeholders. A combination of strategies to manage MSW at source and incineration was proposed. Home composting targeted organic waste, which accounted for 65% of the total waste. The other 17% that had re-sellable values could be recycled. Incineration reduced the amount of waste going to final disposal. An economic and environmental assessment showed that this model could reduce disposal costs and environmental impacts because it lowered the demand on the SAO to collect MSW for disposal.
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