Sexual activity: an important risk factor for colonization of Streptococcus agalactiae in mature female genitalia
Streptococcus agalactiae, invasive GBS infection, sexual activity, vaginal colonization, risk factorAbstract
Infection by group B streptococci or Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS) is an emerging disease in nonpregnant adults of all ages, particularly in elderly persons and those with significant underlying diseases. The source of infection may be due to GBS colonization in the female genitalia. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of GBS in genitalia among 2 participant groups; sexually active (> 3 times/week) and non-sexually active women. Vaginal swabs were obtained from 138 sexually active women and 49 non-sexually active women for GBS isolation. Percentages of sexually active women with vaginal colonization of GBS were 34.06% which was significantly higher than non-sexually active women (10.20%). Antibiotic resistance among GBS isolates to tetracycline, clindamycin, erythromycin and ofloxacin were 96.15%, 38.46%, 34.62% and 25.0%, respectively, while all isolates were susceptible to penicillin, ampicillin, vancomycin and cefotaxime. Our research suggested that frequent sexual activity was an important risk factor for vaginal colonization of GBS; which could be the source for transmission to persons at high risk of infection, including neonates, pregnant women, and adults, especially those with frequent sexual activity.
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