Experimental analysis on noise tolerance of bidirectional confidential with bilateral filter in local based optical flow for image reconstruction


  • Darun Kesrarat Department of Information Technology, Vincent Mary School of Science and Technology, Assumption University, Samuthprakarn 10540, Thailand
  • Vorapoj Patanavijit Department of Computer and Network Engineering, Vincent Mary School of Engineering, Assumption University, Samuthprakarn 10540, Thailand


optical flow, bilateral filter, bidirectional confidential, SSIM, EVM, AWGN


Noise is the main issue causing defects in the optical flow for motion prediction where the result in the motion vector (MV) is directly impacted.  In this paper, we perform an experimental analysis on numerous noise tolerance models for a local based optical flow where the main model is bidirectional confidential with bilateral filter.  For performance analysis, we focused on 2 main indicators.  These are Structural SIMilarity (SSIM) and Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) where SSIM was used to indicate the quality for image reconstruction issues and EVM was used to indicate the accuracy in MV issues. In our experiments, the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) was formed at several noise levels over several standard sequences for performance evaluation.


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How to Cite

Darun Kesrarat, & Vorapoj Patanavijit. (2023). Experimental analysis on noise tolerance of bidirectional confidential with bilateral filter in local based optical flow for image reconstruction. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 6(2), 117–127. retrieved from https://ph04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JCST/article/view/493



Research Article