Effect of mashing process conditions on chemical properties of Kam Luem Pua rice malt syrup
black waxy rice, Kam rice malt, syrup, mashing process, optimal condition, Oryza sativa LAbstract
Kam rice malt syrup is an alternative ingredient or raw material in many items in the food and drink industries. The aim of this research was to investigate the optimal conditions for malt syrup production from Thai rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.); black waxy rice (Kam Luem Pua). The mashing program was carried out at three different temperatures (45๐, 62๐, and 75๐C) and times for the sugar rest period with and without the addition of enzyme (T1–T4 mashing method). The results showed that the mashing T3 (at the temperatures 45๐, 62๐ and 75๐C, period of 30 minutes and addition of glucoamylase at 60๐C for 30 minutes) was suitable to produce high quality wort with a low cost investment. It was found that wort composition had the highest content of reducing sugars (12.07 g/100ml), phenolic compounds (100.56 mg GAE/100ml), anthocyanins (30.45 mg/L), antioxidant activity (76.26%), free amino nitrogen (333.87 mg/L), vitamin B1 (126.53 mg/100ml) and GABA content (4.52 mg/100ml). The results obtained clearly indicated that Kam rice malt has huge potential when used as a raw material for healthy syrup production.
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