Modeling of an Adaptive HHO Gas Controller Based on Fuzzy Logic and Polynomial Function Controls to Improve Engine Torque of Gasoline Engine


  • Raden Agustinus Suwodjo Faculty of Electrical Technology and Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Melaka 76100, Malaysia & Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Nasional, Jakarta 12520, Indonesia
  • Zulkifilie bin Ibrahim Faculty of Electrical Technology and Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Melaka 76100, Malaysia



adaptive HHO, AFR, commanded AFR, fuzzy logic, gasoline engine, MAF, polynomial function


Typical hydrogen-hydrogen-oxygen gas (HHO) usage to improve gasoline engine performance refers to the fixed HHO flow rate method, providing 0.25‒0.5 liters/minute of HHO for every 1000 cc engine size. However, the arising hypothesis expresses that the fixed HHO flow rate method does not optimally improve engine torque for various loads. The research objective is to propose an adaptive HHO gas controller that manages the HHO generator to produce an appropriate HHO flow rate for engine operation by adapting to load and engine speed variations. Hence, the engine torque improvement optimally occurs for various loads. The adaptive HHO controller combines fuzzy logic and polynomial function controls involving real-time engine data, such as mass airflow (MAF), air-fuel ratio (AFR), and the commanded AFR from the engine control unit (ECU), whose values vary with load and engine speed. A system simulation based on Matlab-Simulink investigates engine performance improvement due to the controller. The results show that the adaptive HHO flow rate due to the proposed adaptive HHO controller improves engine torque during small, medium, and big-loaded engine operations, respectively, by 1.5%‒4.7%, 6.8%‒26.8%, and 21.1%‒72.8% depending on engine speed 2500 rpm‒4000 rpm) and the commanded AFR (12.6‒15.4). Conversely, under the same condition, the fixed HHO flow rate with 0.75 liters/minute HHO for a 1500 cc engine, used for comparison, improves the engine torque by 0%‒0.6%, 0.3%‒14.2%, and 9.3%‒50.1%, respectively. The data show that the adaptive HHO controller provides better improvement. Moreover, the adaptive HHO controller improves engine thermal efficiency and reduces AFR error against the commanded AFR.

Author Biography

Zulkifilie bin Ibrahim, Faculty of Electrical Technology and Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Melaka 76100, Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Zulkifilie bin Ibrahim

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International) / Professor of Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM).

Ph.D (Power Electronics & Control), Liverpool John Moores University
B.Eng. (Electrical Engineering), UTM

Power Electronics, Electric Motor Drives, Fuzzy Logic, Embedded Control Design & Application


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How to Cite

Suwodjo, R. A., & Ibrahim, Z. bin. (2024). Modeling of an Adaptive HHO Gas Controller Based on Fuzzy Logic and Polynomial Function Controls to Improve Engine Torque of Gasoline Engine. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 14(3), Article 72.