Potential of salted egg-white hydrolysate as an alternative nitrogen source and salt supplement in bacterial culture media


  • Poravee Santiarporn Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Burapha University, Chon Buri 20131, Thailand
  • Salil Chanroj Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Burapha University, Chon Buri 20131, Thailand


alternative nitrogen source, culture media, egg-white hydrolysate, Escherichia coli, protein hydrolysate, salted egg-white


Salted egg-white (SEW) is a common waste product from Chinese-mooncake manufacturing.  Due to its abundance of proteins and minerals, breaking down SEW into small building blocks was shown to be an appealing approach for making basic ingredients of culture media.  To verify this assumption, SEW was subject to alkali hydrolysis and further analyses for its potential to replace tryptone and peptone, standard protein hydrolysates used in culture media preparation.  As expected, the results indicated that autoclave-assisted alkali hydrolysis of SEW yielded small peptides and amino acids, salted egg-white hydrolysate (SEWH).  Furthermore, alkali treatment equivalent to 0.5 M NaOH and typical autoclaving times (15-20 minutes) were shown to deliver the optimal hydrolysis.  To test whether SEWH was able to support the cultivation of Escherichia coli, modified LB medium was formulated using SEWH as a tryptone and sodium chloride substitute.  However, this modified LB-SEWH medium could only support E. coli growth up to 87% relative to the regular LB medium when 20% SEWH (v/v) was used, suggesting the presence of some recalcitrant molecules created by nonspecific alkali treatment.  To extend its application to other aspects of microbiology and biotechnology, biochemical identification of coliform bacteria and plasmid DNA amplification in E. coli using culture media made from SEWH were tested.  SEWH performed well as a substitute of peptone and tryptone for each medium though its performance was slightly hindered yet not significant compared to those of the original media.  This implies that SEWH was as efficient as other protein hydrolysates in providing a nitrogen source and salt supplementation for facilitating bacterial cell growth.  This was introduces a novel and simple approach to convert salted egg-white, a waste from the food industry in to economical protein hydrolysate.  Therefore, large scale production of SEWH will provide an alternative nitrogen source at a competitive price for several biotech industries.


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How to Cite

Santiarporn, P. ., & Chanroj, S. . (2020). Potential of salted egg-white hydrolysate as an alternative nitrogen source and salt supplement in bacterial culture media. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 10(1), 67–75. Retrieved from https://ph04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JCST/article/view/413



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