Multiconcerns circuit component diagram apply to improve on software development: Empirical study of house bookkeeping mobile software


  • Meennapa Rukhiran Department of Social Technology, Ragamangala University of Technology Tawan-OK, Chanthaburi 22210, Thailand
  • Paniti Netinant College of Digital Innovation Technology, Rangsit University, Bangkok 12000, Thailand
  • Tzilla Elrad Concurrent Programming Research Group, Illinois Institute of Technology, IL, Chicago, 60616, USA


multiconcerns, circuit component, diagram, layering, software development, mobile software


Developing component-based software is a demanding profession for software engineers. Developing component-based software is more complicated and needs more skills to meet software qualities, especially for mobile software design and development.  Not only does mobile software have many platforms, but also a separation of concerns is required in the primary design and development, making the final component software very satisfying and comfortable to use the application. Since many prototypes have been redesigned and developed in a software life cycle, a prototype must undergo many components with multilayered and prime to duplicate components. The redundant components maybe failed to support the effective reuse because the components are contained several details and specifics. The house bookkeeping software can be decomposed into many components. The interaction and overlap of components are influenced by behaviors and classes. The limits in collaborations of reusable components can be found. In this paper, the multiconcerns circuit component diagram is originally proposed to express the development of component-based software, especially decreasing interactions of resemblance components. This technique uses a software component reduction between interactions of inter analogous inputs and outputs components, reducing a few redundant information, complex interactions, and tangling components. The result of the development makes software engineers better comprehend the design and implementation of component-based software proficiently. The empirical study of the house bookkeeping mobile software has shown an improvement of a component reduction in the final prototype of 26.47 percent over the previous technique using only an information flow diagram.


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How to Cite

Meennapa Rukhiran, Paniti Netinant, & Tzilla Elrad. (2021). Multiconcerns circuit component diagram apply to improve on software development: Empirical study of house bookkeeping mobile software. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 11(2), 240–260. retrieved from



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