Physical and cooking properties of extruded rice spaghetti supplemented with mango peel fibre


  • Vilai Rungsardthong Department of Agro-Industrial, Food, and Environmental Technology, Faculty of Applied Science, Food and Agro-Industrial Research Centre, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangsue, Bangkok 10800, Thailand
  • Punnapha Namprakob Department of Agro-Industrial, Food, and Environmental Technology, Faculty of Applied Science, Food and Agro-Industrial Research Centre, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangsue, Bangkok 10800, Thailand
  • Sopida Korkerd Department of Agro-Industrial, Food, and Environmental Technology, Faculty of Applied Science, Food and Agro-Industrial Research Centre, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangsue, Bangkok 10800, Thailand
  • Buddhi Lamsal Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, Iowa State University, IA 50011-1061, USA


antioxidant capacity, cooking quality, dietary fibre, extrusion, mango peel, rice spaghetti


Mango peel is a rich source of dietary fibre and exhibits strong antioxidant capacity.  Rice spaghetti was extruded from rice flour, defatted soy protein (10% w/w), and modified starch (3% w/w) and supplemented with dietary fibre from mango peel (MPF).  The extruder was operated with the screw speed and feeder speed both at 30 rpm and a 1.6 mm diameter die.  The barrel temperatures of zones 1, 2 and 3 was set at 60, 70 and 80 °C, respectively.  The mixture was supplemented with MPF at 0%, 2.5%, 5.0%, 7.5% and 10.0% (w/w) of rice flour, which increased the total dietary fibre (8.13% to 21.01%) and the antioxidant capacity.  The addition of more MPF resulted in rice spaghetti with a darker colour.  Substitution of MPF up to 5.0% (w/w) produced pasta strands with good cooking stability.  Overall liking scores for the product containing 2.5% MPF (w/w) were not significantly different from those for the control (without MPF).  The cooking time, cooking weight, cooking loss, and tensile strength of the rice spaghetti containing 2.5% MPF (w/w) were 11.00 min, 235.81%, and 7.74%, respectively. Moreover, the products with 5.0–10.0% MPF could be claimed as fibre-enriched gluten-free products.  The results show the potential for supplementing gluten-free rice spaghetti during extrusion with mango peel for dietary fibre and antioxidant activity.


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How to Cite

Vilai Rungsardthong, Punnapha Namprakob, Sopida Korkerd, & Buddhi Lamsal. (2021). Physical and cooking properties of extruded rice spaghetti supplemented with mango peel fibre. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 11(2), 230–239. retrieved from



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