We are not alone: melatonin and vitamin D may be good company during COVID-19 pandemic
anxiety, cognitive faculties, chronodisruption, depression, melatonin and vitamin D, SARS-CoV-2, social isolationAbstract
Loneliness and social isolation are associated with depression, anxiety and a progressive loss of higher cognitive faculties, mainly in older adults. In the current pandemic situation, with serious restrictions that limit interactions with members of our social circles, these cognitive alterations are becoming progressively more obvious in young adults, adolescents and even children. With the addition of eating disorders, sleep disturbances, and lack of exposure to solar radiation due to confinement, the condition can be considerably worse. Fortunately, there are two allies which from a psychological point of view, have many common features and could help to reverse some of the effects of social isolation; these molecules are melatonin and vitamin D. Their complementary functions on circadian rhythmicity may be useful in reestablishing mood balance. Thus, we suggest a re-education in new hygienic-dietary habits, especially related to the maintenance of adequate levels of melatonin and vitamin D, which may help prevent and possibly reverse the cognitive and psychological disorders until social contact is reestablished.
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