Effectiveness of The Modified Formula of Ya-Tha-Pra-Sen on Relieving Neck and Shoulder Muscle Pain: Clinical Randomize Control Trail.
Pain relief gel, herbal extracts, Ya-Tha-Pra-Sen, reducing muscle pain, Thai traditionalAbstract
Ya-Tha-Pra-Sen (YTPS) has been utilized as a topical remedy to alleviate muscle pains since the Ayutthaya period. Formulated from a combination of 13 distinct herbs, YTPS offers a range of medicinal properties. This study aimed to develop an enhanced YTPS gel formula, referred to as YTPS-DG, by incorporating an additional 5 traditional Thai herbs. The efficacy of YTPS-DG in reducing muscle pains was then compared with the traditional YTPS formula. A randomized controlled trial was undertaken with 45 participants, aged 20 to 60. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: the YTPS-DG group (modified formula), the YTPS-TG group (traditional formula), or the placebo group (PCBG). Each participant received gel samples packaged in 2.5 g units and was instructed to apply one package's worth to their upper trapezius muscle twice daily over a span of six days. Daily results were systematically documented in case record forms, and participants were monitored with follow-up checks every three days. Our findings revealed that YTPS-DG exhibited the most pronounced efficacy. There was a statistically significant reduction in pain from baseline for the YTPS-DG group (P<0.05) when compared to the YTPS-TG and placebo groups. Furthermore, YTPS-DG notably increased weight-bearing capacity (in kg) and enhanced the Range of Motion (ROM) in participants' neck and shoulder areas, as demonstrated by comparing results before and after application. In conclusion, the modified YTPS-DG formula proved to be superior in alleviating muscle pains and enhancing functional parameters compared to the traditional YTPS and placebo. Further studies are warranted to explore the underlying mechanisms and potential applications.
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