The studies on the use of magnetic particle suspensions for heat transfer enhancement in vertical pipe flow


  • Varut Emudom Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Rangsit University, Patumthani 12000, Thailand
  • Apiwat Suyabodha Department of Automotive Engineering, College of Engineering, Rangsit University, Patumthani 12000, Thailand


heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer enhancement, magnetic field, solenoid coils, surface heat flux, vertical pipe flow


This paper presents an experimental study of the heat transfer enhancement of magnetic particle suspensions consisting of magnetic particles (gamma-typed iron oxides, Fe2O3) (10-15 nm) and distilled water.  The experiments were carried out at different volume concentrations ( ) of 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and 2.0% in a vertical pipe flow.  Five different intensities (0G, 600 G, 1200 G, 1800 G, and 2400 G) of the external magnetic field were applied during pipe flow to enhance the heat transfer.  The location of the solenoid coils (60 mm and 120 mm separation between the coils) for an externally applied magnetic field was also tested to study its effect on heat transfer performance.  All tests were in between high laminar regime and low turbulent regime (2800-9760).  The uniform surface heat flux is directly imposed along the surface area of the copper tube during heat transfer experiments.  The results showed that, as the magnetic particle concentration and intensity of the external magnetic field increased, the local heat transfer coefficient increased.  The maximum heat transfer enhancement of 19% as compared to the base case (0G) can be attained at particle volume concentration of 2.0% and external magnetic field with the strength of 2400 G.  The heat transfer enhancement decreased with the increasing of distance between solenoid coils.  Hence, the effect of external magnetic field on decreasing the temperature along the tube section is more desirable as the distance of the coils remains closer to each other.


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How to Cite

Emudom, V. ., & Suyabodha, A. . (2021). The studies on the use of magnetic particle suspensions for heat transfer enhancement in vertical pipe flow. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 11(1), 1–14. retrieved from



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