Interlaminar shear strength of chemically treated Kevlar/Cucurbitaceae fiber metal laminated hybrid composites
chemical treatment, fiber metal laminates, interphase, sequencing layer, surface modificationAbstract
Many scientists and enterprises have shown their desire to develop novel materials with good mechanical capabilities and low-density equivalents to aluminium alloys in recent years. This is particularly noticeable in the aircraft and aerospace industries. Fiber Metal Laminates (FMLs) were newer composites, with the aramid aluminum laminate (ARALL) type laminates having aluminium and Aramid/epoxy composites. Furthermore, the Cucurbitaceae fiber has been utilized to test the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of fiber metal laminates. This paper introduces the FML made of aluminium and Kevlar/Cucurbitaceae/epoxy layers. In addition, the chemical treatment has been employed to change the surface of Kevlar and Cucurbitaceae fibers to develop polar components, resulting in improved inter-phase strength of FML composites. To examine the ILSS characteristics of FML composites, four laminate sequence combinations were chosen. When compared to other sequencing hybrid FML composites, the ILSS of hybrid FML composites improved by 41.76 percent. This sequence of reinforcing fibers influences the degree of the laminate structure, which can substantially impact the ability to construct laminates. The ability of the composite-metal bonding to give strong adhesive characteristics was an essential aspect impacting the laminate properties as a whole. A scanning electron microscope was used to examine the treated fibers.
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