Adaptive Grey Wolf based on Firefly algorithm technique for optimal reactive power dispatch in unbalanced load conditions
adaptive technique, control variables, generator, power loss, ORPD problem, voltage deviationAbstract
ORPD (Optimal Reactive Power Dispatching) is a subset of optimal power flow. The reduction of an objective function expressing total various other optimization methods of ORPD problems have been utilized, but these methods are not able to select optimal active power losses in power systems was traditionally thought of as ORPD. In literature, control variables of power systems, and in order to overcome the drawbacks, the proposed method is developed. For solving the ORPD problem in power systems, this paper suggested an adaptive Grey Wolf based Firefly Algorithm (GWFA). The adaptive technique is carried out by combining the Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) and the Firefly Algorithm (FA). The FA is utilized to achieve the updating process of grey wolves in the GWO for enhancing the performance of GWO. The suggested methodology is used to tap change transformers by tap positions, compute optimal control variables of generator voltages, and optimize two different objective functions such as voltage deviation minimization and power loss minimization using shunt capacitors. The proposed adaptive technique is implemented in the standard IEEE 14, IEEE 30 and IEEE 39 bus systems in order to overcome the issue of ORPD within power systems, and it is compared with the already existing methods of ABC, Bat, FA and GWO. Ultimately, the proposed adaptive technique is capable of producing optimal control variables for solving ORPD problems in power systems.
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