A new fuzzy parameterized intuitionistic fuzzy soft multiset theory and group decision-making
decision-making, fuzzy set, intuitionistic fuzzy set, multiset, soft setAbstract
Intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets (IFSSs) can effectively represent and simulate the uncertainty and diversity of judgment information offered by decision makers. In comparison to fuzzy soft sets (FSSs), IFSSs are highly beneficial for expressing vagueness and uncertainty more accurately. As a result, in this paper, we offer an approach for solving real-life group decision making problems (DMPs) with fuzzy parameterized intuitionistic fuzzy soft multisets (p-sets) by extending the fuzzy soft multiset (FSMS) based decision-making method (DMM). FSMS is a fantastic and useful tool to deal with DMPs and all the existing FSMS-based DMMs are good for solving DMPs, but in their methods, they used FSMS evaluated by only one decision maker, and the importance of membership degrees of parameters are not considered, so these methods are may not be useful in the modelling of group-DMPs, but the constructed method in this paper is very advantageous for solving real-life group-DMPs. To demonstrate the applicability of our DMM in helpful applications, certain real-life examples are used.
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