Comparative analysis for augmented decision-making applications using deep learning models
autonomous vehicles, decision making, deep learning, disease prediction, risk prediction, sentiment analysisAbstract
Now a days decision-making plays a significant role in various applications and several research. For applications such as diseases, intelligent routing systems, and online shopping carts such as e-commerce sites, recommended systems are developed based on sentiment analysis (SA) and take accurate decision-making based on the predictions and analyze the accurate decisions based on the result analysis. When it comes to practical uses, deep learning (DL) has by far been the most popular. DL becomes an indispensable domain for several tasks in science and engineering. It is very difficult to take decisions based on traditional tests in various research areas such as disease prediction, textual sentiment analysis, and risk prediction of autonomous vehicles due to the lack of accuracy and long time for results. To address this, various approaches are proposed to adopt. Decision-making is based on multi-criticism, which is more useful to solve critical issues in making accurate decisions than previous approaches. In this paper, an improved and augmented decision-making deep learning algorithm is discussed and shows the comparison among the various DL algorithms. The performance is calculated according to the parameters.
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