Quality Characteristics of Healthy Bread Produced from Germinated Brown Rice, Germinated Mung Bean, and Germinated White Kidney Bean
germinated brown rice, germinated mung bean, germinated white kidney bean, composite flour, pasting properties, healthy breadAbstract
Germinated grains and pulses are known as sources of bioactive compounds that provide beneficial effects for human health. Moreover, germination improves their protein digestibility and biological properties. This research aimed to investigate the physicochemical properties of the composite flour made by blending germinated brown rice (GBR), germinated mung bean (GMB), and germinated white kidney bean (GWKB) at the ratio of 1:1:1. Additionally, the quality of bread made by substituting the composite flour for wheat flour at 25%, 30%, 35%, and 40% (w/w) was assessed. The results showed that the composite flour had significantly higher amounts of fat, protein, crude fiber, ash, GABA, and total phenolic content than wheat flour. The antioxidant capacity, calculated as vitamin C equivalent antioxidant capacity (VCEAC), of the composite flour was 42.86 mg/100 g, which was twice that of wheat flour. The pasting properties of the GBR, GMB, and GWKB flours, including the composite flour were considerably different from those of wheat flour. Based on this study, the optimized level of the composite flour substitution was 25 g per100 g of wheat flour. The wheat composite flour bread showed higher levels of beneficial components, such as protein, minerals, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and polyphenols, and antioxidant capacity, than the control bread. Bread made with a 25% substitution of composite flour had a more yellow hue than the control wheat bread, but there was no discernible difference in the loaf's specific volume, density, and firmness.
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