A CNN-Based Approach to Rice Plant Disease Classification: Overfitting Prevention Strategies
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Rice plant diseases can be an interference to the production of cropping rice plants. The timely and precise detection and classification of the disease is the key to reduce the potential of deprived output. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have shown a great potential in image recognition and classification, including rice plant disease classification. Nevertheless, CNNs are likely to be overfitting. This research paper proposes a use of combination of overfitting prevention techniques for CNN-based approach to rice plant disease classification. The techniques used are data augmentation, max pooling with stride, dropout and early stopping. The CNN model with these overfitting avoidance strategies is trained to classify the disease of the rice plant leaves and resulted in a prediction accuracy of 0.93. We conclude that this CNN-based architecture is considered to be effective and reliable for rice plant disease classification.
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