Thailand Electrical Engineering Journal (TEEJ) <p> วารสารวิชาการวิศวกรรมไฟฟ้าไทย</p> <p><strong>ISSN</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: 2773-9236</span></p> <p><strong>กำหนดออก</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> : 3 ฉบับต่อปี ฉบับที่ 1 มกราคม – เมษายน ฉบับที่ 2 พฤษภาคม – สิงหาคม และฉบับที่ 3 กันยายน - ธันวาคม</span></p> <p><strong>นโยบายและขอบเขตการตีพิมพ์ : </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">วารสารฯ มีนโยบายรับตีพิมพ์บทความคุณภาพสูงในด้านวิศวกรรม วิทยาศาสตร์ และเทคโนลยีที่ทันสมัยและมีคุณภาพ รวมถึงมีการพัฒนาในด้านทฤษฎี การออกแบบ และการนำไปประยุกต์ใช้ในสาขาวิศวกรรมไฟฟ้าและสาขาที่เกี่ยวข้อง โดยมีกลุ่มเป้าหมายคือคณาจารย์มหาวิทยาลัย นักวิชาการ นักวิจัย องค์กรทั้งภาครัฐและเอกชน ตลอดจนนิสิตนักศึกษา และผู้ที่สนใจ</span></p> en-US <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Journal of TCI is licensed under a Creative Commons </span></em><a href=""><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)</span></em></a><em><span style="font-weight: 400;"> licence, unless otherwise stated. Please read our Policies page for more information...</span></em></p> (รศ.ดร.กฤษณะพงศ์ พันธ์ศรี) (sutit ongart ) Thu, 01 Aug 2024 17:50:56 +0700 OJS 60 Facial Recognition Attendance System <p>This research aims to develop a registration system for event participation using face detection to increase efficiency in time management, reduce errors in data recording, and effectively verify the identity of event participants. We use a facial recognition model developed with deep learning techniques such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) combined with You Only Look Once (YOLO) face detection technology. The application was developed with Python and Node.js based on&nbsp; KOA.js web framework. User database and activity history are stored in MySQL. We conducted 1000 tests under the following conditions: the system was tested under indoor lighting. The distance between camera and the target face(s) are 0.5, 1, and 2 meters, with number of target faces being 1, 2, and 4. Our work compared the detection accuracy between 4 and 8 prototype faces per person. The results found that 1) The higher number of prototype images significantly improves the accuracy and efficiency of face detection. 2) The shortest distance between the camera and the face target gives the most accurate results. 3) Fewer target faces in each face detection session result in higher accuracy. 4) The face detection activity registration system shows an average face detection performance of 0.17 seconds per detection session. This can help reduce registration time. 5) The system efficiently confirmed the identity of event participants, with an average accuracy of 70 percent.</p> Monrada Sirimongkol , Chananate Arthayukti, Kulchaya Pongsawaeng , Anuson Nakdam , Sasimaporn Kritsoongnern , Chanwit Musika , Srisuda Soranunsri Copyright (c) 2024 Thailand Electrical Engineering Journal (TEEJ) Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Design of an Analog Communication System for Cave Communication <p>This article proposes the design of an analog communication system for use in cave communication, enabling communication between the inside and outside of the cave. The system employs two frequencies: 350 kHz for communication from inside the cave to outside, utilizing a multi-mode analog transceiver with an earth-grounded antenna, and 3 MHz for medium-range communication within the cave. The 3 MHz frequency also transmits signals, including location data or images, from within the cave to the incident command center at the cave's entrance using an AM analog transceiver with a 3 MHz antenna. A frequency converter device facilitates communication between the 350 kHz and 3 MHz frequencies. The experimental results showed that the designed communication system established that the cave entrance could maintain communication with the cave inside throughout the entire testing period.</p> Peerasan Khamsalee, Atawit Jantaupalee , Rangsan Wongsan Copyright (c) 2024 Thailand Electrical Engineering Journal (TEEJ) Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Applications of Silicone Insulation in Electrical Engineering <p>This paper presents a review of the investigation of the properties and production technology of silicone rubber. That is the material of choice for electrical insulation with outstanding specific properties. It deals with the chemical structure, physicochemical, mechanical and electrical properties, dielectric strength, the advantages and use of silicone in medium- and high-voltage system, including the optical properties for partial discharge detection in cable accessories. All of these will be helpful for an electrical engineer.</p> Chaiyaporn Lothongkam Copyright (c) 2024 Thailand Electrical Engineering Journal (TEEJ) Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Mobile Stroke Emergency Telecare System: MSU-SOS® <p>Cerebrovascular disease or stroke was the 2<sup>nd</sup> ranking incident to cause death or total disability of Thai people.&nbsp; Death or disability was caused by either obstruction of blood flow (acute ischemic stroke) or burst of blood vessel (intracerebral hemorrhage stroke) in the brain permanently damaged brain cells.&nbsp; There were 1,880 cases of stroke per 100,000 populations in Thailand and most of cases is in rural areas where stroke care service was not available.&nbsp; If an acute stroke patient could have medical treatment from neurologists within 270 minutes, the possibility of death and disability could be reduced significantly.&nbsp; Since 2018, the Siriraj Stroke Center, Siriraj Hospital and Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University had jointly designed, developed and deployed the Mobile Stroke Emergency Telecare platform in 8 areas of Thailand.&nbsp; There were The platform was composed of Mobile Stroke vehicle, patient loading/un-loading system, communication system, medical CT image system, and stroke management system. &nbsp;This research was to study cost and correlation of work process performed in each version with time KPI in real stroke treatment cases.&nbsp; The result of this work could be beneficial to future design of work processes in such emergency telecare in which time constraint had directly impact on result of medical outcome.</p> Pornchai Chanyagorn, Yongchai Nilanont, Bundid Kungwannarongkun Copyright (c) 2024 Thailand Electrical Engineering Journal (TEEJ) Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Design of Fire Resistant Self-supporting Single Mode Optical Fiber Cable <p>This article presents the design and produce of fire-resistant optical fiber cables for using in fire-prone areas, especially for the OFC (Optical Fiber Cable) being used in the main network connecting cities or provinces. From the problem of OFC cable networks installed on electric poles along roads laid through grasslands, dense forests, and tall bushes, when there was a problem of a fire under the electric pole line, the OFC cables were damaged due to the flames. The design was developed from the original OFC cable structure. The wrapping cable material and tensile strength material were developed by selecting suitable high temperature protection materials. The prototypes of fiber cable were produced and put to optical and mechanical testing including the incinerating. After testing 4 prototype versions, the final fireproof fiber cable was obtained. It has the property to support the continuous services of the optical fiber in communication for at least 70 days even though the fiber has been in the severe fires for no more than 90 minutes. The designed optical fiber cable can be used for real operation in the field.</p> Krit Srivilas, Naritsomjarern Sumpaopol Copyright (c) 2024 Thailand Electrical Engineering Journal (TEEJ) Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700